Exit Wilderness is a personal story, workbook, and reference book all in one. Mrs. Thielen takes us on a journey, weaving the darkest part of her story with the story of Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles. Whether you are in the darkness now, or you have guilt and shame in your past, she reaches into the deepest, darkest part of your being, grabs the monsters hiding there, and exposes them. Then she comes by your side with story, scripture, declarations, self-reflection questions and sermons, showing you how to boldly deal with those monsters.
This is not a frothy, on-the-surface book. It is a book of courage and supplies the help needed to fight the demons who attack us. This is a book to refer to again and again, as you travel through different seasons of your life. The next time you find yourself sinking into the sea of sadness and isolation, pick up this book and read it again.
Raw, authentic, powerful – teaching a profound truth that “your mess is your message and God is going to use it for good.” I’ve had the pleasure of training with Michelle in multiple YogaFaith courses. She is a true spiritual force, making a difference in countless lives.
In Exit Wilderness, Michelle shares her life journey with heartfelt transparency. She reminds us, with careful attention to His Word, that our Creator uses our greatest messes for His message of forgiveness and true peace. Each chapter is crafted with a stopping place for reader reflection and prayer. A roadmap to take us from fear to freedom! Grateful for her authenticity and wisdom.
It was during Michelle’s HIStory class that God began initiating a healing process within me. Through sharing of her own story, the past incidences of my life, that I for so long repressed, began to resurface.
I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit working so powerfully through Michelle, accompanying me in the very midst of this process and providing me with an all encompassing sense of peace amidst the pain. I was filled with this incredible sense of hope, that if God had healed Michelle of the “wounds” of her past that he would do the same for me. I am so grateful for all that Michelle has inspired in me. I can’t thank her enough. Exit Wilderness captures this in written form! I look forward to seeing how God continues to work through me to inspire this same process in others.
The world on planet Earth is under great Spiritual attack. Satan is using every weapon of deceit and dishonesty to lure many of us into his den of darkness and evil. Michelle Thielen’s recounting of her experience through her own personal ‘hell’ and wilderness is a heart-wrenching, raw and candid account of how satan lured her into a life of sin and how Christ rescued her from that pit of despair, loneliness, helplessness, even to the point of considering suicide. She offers a real road map for anyone to follow, if they are willing to let go of the captivity of satan’s lies and temptations and enter into God’s mercy, grace and forgiveness..into personal Freedom in Christ!
We have maps to help us find our way to worldly destinations, Michelle has created a map to help us find our way to Peace, Joy and Love. We are all pilgrims on this journey, I am grateful to have such a beautiful soulmate and guide.
Michelle jolts us with these opening words: Depression. Suicide. Adultery. Divorce. Murder. Prison. Addiction. Bitter. Confused. Anxious. Hopeless. Lost. If you or anyone you care about connects with this dysfunctional maze of reality, it is very likely that you need guidance, direction, navigation….a roadmap. Exit Wilderness is that and so much more. As a servant leader, Michelle humbly makes her own life transparent so that we can laugh and cry and love and learn from her and with her. She lays out a clear path to break the bonds which keep us from the journey and identity God so graciously gives. Michelle provides “rest stops” along the way where we can pause in God’s presence as well as the promise of a divine destination full of hope and joy. This book is a must read for all who desire true health and wholeness!
Michelle guides readers through the wilderness with the firmness and kindness that love requires. Pointing us to Jesus through her own journey, she shows us how to have eyes to see the movement of the Holy Spirit. Whatever wilderness you find yourself in, through these pages you will discover the light that can lead you out of the darkness.
In Exit Wilderness, Ms. Thielen shares her personal story of climbing through the heavy darkness of rock bottom depression. A great story of HOPE that all of us who have held those pills in our hands needs to hear. Thank you again Michelle, for reminding me to “surrender”.